How to sell Vanilla gift cards for cash

Sell Vanilla gift cards for cash.

Sell Vanilla gift cards for cash: It’s great to get gift cards as gifts, but the best part is seeing the balance of the cards being put to good use. So, knowing how to convert vanilla gift cards to cash is a great way to make sure that you make the most of your balance without having to worry about where you can spend it!

Sell Vanilla gift cards for cash.

As opposed to most gift cards, you can reload the Vanilla card after funds have been depleted. In addition, no expiration date applies to your funds so that you can use the same card forever.

However, vanilla gift cards have a significant disadvantage: the many fees you have to pay (without rewards). Because of this, many holders abandon it or leave it to rot. A better way to use your gift card is to get liquid cash out of it. 

A method for selling vanilla gift cards online is to sell the cards to online retailers for cash. Although many retailers offer this service, CardVest is the leading brand in the market.

Cards vest is an online gift card company in Nigeria that trades in gift cards. We offer quality service and great rates for our clients as they exchange their gift cards. Our platform is user-friendly and designed to work for all devices. Each action on the website is intended to be simple enough for beginners and first-time visitors to use.

Using Chinese exchange rates as standards, CardVest automatically updates gift card rates. You can, therefore, be sure you are getting a great deal. In addition, CardVest offers quick and reliable payment processing services. Once your gift card is verified, you will receive instant payment.

Purchasing gift cards involves the same precautions and guidelines as other businesses. A gift card can be given either as a gift or as payment for a service. However, the cards themselves are not legal tender. The cards are simply a means of payment. Consequently, you must convert gift cards into legal tender to get their monetary value.

 This article aims to provide a step-by-step guideline for selling vanilla gift cards for cash.

sell Vanilla gift cards for cash
  • To get started with the platform, first create an account. The setup interface allows you to create a personal account on the server using the DIY (Do It Yourself) setup method. With this, you can trade and use other functions on the CardVest platform. The process should take no more than a minute, depending on your internet connection.
  • To proceed to the second step, click on the Rates icon on the home page. You will then be directed to the rates page. The rates calculator will appear on the web interface. Using this rate calculator, you can check Cardvest’s rates automatically. We update the rates in accordance with Chinese exchange rates. This is where you can enter how many gift cards you wish to sell or buy. You will receive a quick US dollar conversion right away. 
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  • The next step is to choose what kind of gift card you wish to sell or buy. Aside from Amazon, iTunes, and Steam, you will also find Sephora, Walmart, and eBay cards in the list. Additional ratings include Netflix, Google Play, and others. You can enter the card details after selecting the Vanilla card. When you have entered the details, you can proceed to the next step.
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  • The trade has been validated once you click the “place order” button. Redeeming the cards takes one to two minutes, depending on the number of requests on the server and your Internet connection. You can withdraw your money once the cards are redeemed and validated. You must enter your bank details and other necessary information before clicking on the withdrawal button. Your account has funds available immediately, which can be withdrawn at any time. However, the setup has to be completed before withdrawals are processed.
  • Your trade is at its end when this step is completed. Click the withdraw button to receive your funds immediately. CardVest is among the fastest paying platforms. Our systems make sure that all funds are disbursed after trades are validated and the cards are redeemed. Payments are processed through the best banking platforms to ensure there are no delays. 

See also where you can use Vanilla Gift Card


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