

How to check AMEX gift card balance

You can check the available balance on your American express (AMEX) Gift Card by visiting and entering the 15-digit card number and the security code, which you will find on the front of your card. Alternatively, you may put…

What are steam gift cards used for?

Steam gift cards are used on Steam to purchase games, software, hardware, and other items you can get on Steam. They come in different forms, physical and digital, and can be gotten in retail stores across the US. Digital cards…

Sell Switzerland iTunes physical for cash

You can sell Switzerland iTunes physical on Cardvest. Currently, Switzerland iTunes physical costs NGN 750/$ on Cardvest. A 100 Switzerland iTunes physical would be worth NGN 75,000 on Cardvest To sell on Cardvest, Click here to register if you are…

Why is my withdrawal rejected?

There are several reasons why your withdrawal can be rejected 1)     You are trying to withdraw an amount that exceeds what is in your Cardvest Wallet. 2)     Your account details are invalid However, there is nothing…

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